
Resource Links





  • Focus on the Family
    "Focus on the Family exists to serve you and your family... Every day we're at work on new programs and initiatives that will help you and your family even more" ( At Focus on the Family, you will find valuable articles, books, and CDs that will aid in your pursuit to be a loving and effective parent.
  • Plugged In - Christian Movie Review Site




Liability Release Form
Name:________________________________ Age:____ Phone:_________
Address:__________________________________ City:________ Zip:____
Parents Names________________________________________________
Parents Phone # _______________________________________________
Cell #________________________   Work #_________________________
Medical Information_____________________________________________
Known allergies?_______________________________________________
Hospital Insurance? Yes__ No___
Insurance Co._________________________ Policy #__________________
Doctor’s name & phone__________________________________________
Emergency Contact (name & phone)________________________________
Parent’s Covenant
My Son/Daughter has my permission to attend any of the events or retreats sponsored by the Cross Point Free Will Baptist Church during the Calendar years of 2024-2025. I release the sponsoring church, The Cross Point Free Will Baptist Church, and all individuals representing said church, of liability for an accident that might occur to my son/daughter while participating in events. I also agree to allow emergency medical treatment for my child, if a medical emergency should arise. I understand that should my child be sent home from any event, I could be called upon to provide transportation home from such event.
Parent or guardian

Adult Witness___________________________________________
